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2 – 4 September 2016  •  Rocca Brancaleone – Ravenna (RA)

“Souls without a Voice” – “Anime Senza Voce” is the title of the international event for contemporary art against child abuse, which takes place from September 2nd to 4th in Ravenna, Rocca Brancaleone, under the direction of Brigitte Ostwald and in collaboration with Agnes Illes .

The program – sponsored by the community and supported by the Lions Club Ravenna, the associations “Dalla Parte dei Minori”, “Linea Rosa” and “Muoviti” (Cooperativa Libra) and in collaboration with the group “Amata Brancaleone” – consists of two Moments: an exhibition of artworks (paintings and sculptures) by 56 artists on the theme of violence against minors, which will open on Friday 2nd September at 5 p.m. in the presence of the Mayor Michele de Pascale, and a series of information meetings on Saturday and Sunday. Andrea Muccioli will be present as celebrities.

The event was presented in the town hall during a press conference attended by Brigitte Ostwald, organizer of the event, Veronica Verlicchi presenter, Sandra Melandri for Linea Rosa and Dr.med. Marco Borazio for Muoviti Coop. Dr.med. Andrea Spada from the Maltratting Men Treatment Center Libra, Dr. Roberto Scaini President of the Ravenna Lions Club, Dr.med. Leonardo Loroni and Monica Miserocchi, President of the Dalla Parte die Minori organization. The councilor Massimo Cameliani was present at the municipal administration.

“Souls without a Voice” – “Anime Senza Voce” is the title of the international event for contemporary art against child abuse, which takes place from September 2nd to 4th in Ravenna, Rocca Brancaleone, under the direction of Brigitte Ostwald and in collaboration with Agnes Illes .

The program – sponsored by the community and supported by the Lions Club Ravenna, the associations “Dalla Parte dei Minori”, “Linea Rosa” and “Muoviti” (Cooperativa Libra) and in collaboration with the group “Amata Brancaleone” – consists of two Moments: an exhibition of artworks (paintings and sculptures) by 56 artists on the theme of violence against minors, which will open on Friday 2nd September at 5 p.m. in the presence of the Mayor Michele de Pascale, and a series of information meetings on Saturday and Sunday. Andrea Muccioli will be present as celebrities.

The event was presented in the town hall during a press conference attended by Brigitte Ostwald, organizer of the event, Veronica Verlicchi presenter, Sandra Melandri for Linea Rosa and Dr.med. Marco Borazio for Muoviti Coop. Dr.med. Andrea Spada from the Maltratting Men Treatment Center Libra, Dr. Roberto Scaini President of the Ravenna Lions Club, Dr.med. Leonardo Loroni and Monica Miserocchi, President of the Dalla Parte die Minori organization. The councilor Massimo Cameliani was present at the municipal administration.

“We are honored to be hosting this important international event that aims to combat child abuse,” said Councilor Cameliani. “Unfortunately, domestic violence is a tragically contemporary phenomenon in today’s society and affects mostly women and children. And precisely because it is consumed inside the walls of the house, it is difficult to create. However, the data presented to us is a reality. For this reason, I would like to express the recognition of the city administration to the organizers, the associations that support them in various functions and the artists for choosing our city as the venue for the presentation of “Anime Senza Voce”. I would also like to highlight an added value of this event for the benefit of the city: the erection of many works of art in the Rocca Brancaleone and the interesting meetings that take place there over the weekend are an excellent opportunity to visit this eclectic monument of ours, which will take place shortly, thanks the contribution of the Amata Brancaleone Group’s volunteers to becoming the ideal place for outdoor public events. “

Speakers during the event: Carla Baroncelli (journalist and author of the book “Storie sui Fili”, among others), Simone Gianneschi (sociologist) and Tiziana Valer from CISMAI (Italian coordination of services against child abuse and abuse) The representatives of the Ravenna associations will also be present be: Dalla Parte die Minori, Linea Rosa and Muoviti (Cooperativa Libra) who support the event.