339 / 7622961 info@animesenzavoce.com


at the city of Emmerich Am Rhein in Germany
We are pleased to share with you, that Anime Senza Voce has accepted the invitation of Raimund Seidl, (established Austrian artist, event curator as well as president of Art-Factory in Graz/Austria www.artfactory-graz.at, to take part in the INTERNATIONAL ART – FESTIVAL 2023, at PAN – Museum of Modern Art in Emmerich am Rhein, Germany.

The ART-FESTIVAL 2023 is an international contemporary art event where a great many artists from all over the world, aspire to participate because of the great importance and visibility it offers. The location of the ART-FESTIVAL will be inside the PAN MUSEUM, a well-known museum of modern art, which is a reason for additional media interest in this event.
The event is developed over a period divided into two dates: 

1st EXHIBITION: 1st May – 25th June

2nd EXHIBITION: 3 July – 3 September


Each artist was left free to exhibit works of any genre, not strictly related to the association’s theme, but serene to express their artistic identity.

Throughout the period of the two exhibitions it was possible for the public to vote online for their favorite artist, who was then awarded on the final evening of September 4, 2023 with a Finnisage event.