339 / 7622961 info@animesenzavoce.com

About us

Founded in 2015 as a private initiative with the aim of connecting the world of art to one of the saddest phenomens that affects the whole world without exception: child abuse.

The media usually takes an interest in those who committed this crime and wonders about the possible reasons that led them to make this horrific gesture. The victims, however, are put aside. However, the statements of the victims must be communicated at all costs (in strict compliance with privacy!).

The art world can therefore be an excellent channel for spreading these stories like wildfire. The “Anime Senza Voce” association was founded with the aim of spreading the messages of those who suffered abuse as minors by organizing special art exhibitions in which national and international artists are invited to participate.

This moment is usually associated with an auction of the various works on display to support charities and No-profit organizations.