339 / 7622961 info@animesenzavoce.com


Vernice Art Fair in Forlì – from 17 to 19 March 2023

Anime Senza Voce will be present at the appointment with Vernice Art Fair scheduled from 17 to 19 March 2023 at the Pala Fiera di Forlì.
Paint Art Fair is one of the best-known events in Italy, an opportunity for the whole world of contemporary art.

Given the success achieved in previous years, we will renew our participation by carrying on the fight against child abuse and with art giving a voice to those who have none.

The next one will be a special edition of the Vernice Art Fair, in fact the 20th anniversary of the fair takes place and Anime Senza Voce wants to be present with an equally special stand, doubling the size and with a particular theme aimed at attracting the curiosity and attention of visitors: “LABYRINTH“.

Here, Souls Without a Voice will go further… a journey into the darkness, into an unmentionable world, through the path of the labyrinth, home of the Minotaur…

The exhibited works will obviously be inspired by the themes of our association, with a path that follows Ariadne’s red thread towards salvation, towards the light…

Along the path of the “LABYRINTH” of the stand, 12 lithographs by Pablo Picasso (private collection) will be exhibited and accompanied by the red thread, through the SOUL BOX, you will be led towards the exhibition stand.

For this edition we have established that no more than 2 linear meters should be attributed to each artist with the intention of giving more artists the opportunity to exhibit. Only one painting can be exhibited for each metre, (provided that the paintings are not too small, in this case it will be possible to exhibit more).

In case of further needs and clarifications of any kind, you will find us as always available to discuss them with you.


Performance “IL FILO (DEL LABIRINTO)” by artist Antonella Turci




Our Minotour and the Girl worked around in the Fair!

The beauty of creation is the entrance to the labyrinth. The imprudent person who enters it will no longer be able to find the exit after a few steps. Exhausted, with nothing to eat or drink, surrounded by darkness, separated from his loved ones and everything he loves and knows, he walks blindly, without hope, unable even to realize whether he is really walking or spinning.

But this misfortune is nothing compared to the danger that threatens him. If he does not lose heart, in fact, if he continues walking, he will undoubtedly arrive at the center of the labyrinth. And here he waits to devour it. Later it will emerge, but changed, transformed, since it will have been eaten and digested by him. He will then remain near the entrance, to gently push those who approach it.

(Simone Weil)